Photos and

Our itinerary

We are there!



Flora and fauna

Art and markets

Christmas in summer

Outback scenery

More scenery

Flora and fauna

Although we didn't spend a lot of time in national parks or wilderness areas on this trip, we still noticed many plants and animals that are strikingly different from the birds, flowers, and trees we're used to seeing in our north-central part of North America. In addition, we were in the Outback's semi-arid desert, tropical Cairns, and New Zealand's temperate rain forests close to the southern hemisphere's summer solstice - which meant plenty of greenery, a constant delight. We also learned about the struggles in both countries to prevent introduced plants and animals from completely replacing indigenous species....many of which exist nowhere else in the world.

Camel Napping dingo Dingo
Camels live wild in outback;
this one works at Camel Safari
Sensible dingo napping in the shade Dingo emerges to check out tourists
Kangaroos Kangaroos resting Pink birds
These kangaroos live in mini-zoo
at Camel Safari
Kangaroos napping in midday heat Flocks of noisy galahs occupied several trees
Desert oak Flower at Kata Tjuta Fish on Great Barrier Reef
Australian desert oak at Uluru Flower near the trail at Kata Tjuta I snorkeled among schools of fish like this on the Great Barrier Reef (commercial photo)
Haast River jet boat Ships in harbor Bungee jumper
Koala in Cairins Wildlife Dome Kookaburra at the Wildlife Dome Flowers in Sydney
Lorikeet Red blossoms New Zealand bus
We saw many lorikeets in trees near
Bondi Beach, Sydney
Known as "New Zealand Christmas tree",
Metrosideros excelsa blooms red in December
Grand finale of "sheep show" at the
Agrodome near Rotarua
Trees in New Zealand Tea tree New Zealand Forest
Trees near Rotura, North Island, NZ Teatree (Manuka), Leptospermum scoparium Forest near The Chasm, South Island, NZ
Lichen Tree roots Lupine
Lichen on rocks below Franz Josef Glacier Tree roots, on path near Franz Josef Glacier Lupine, one of many species introduced by European settlers that then ran wild
Yellow gorse Sheep traffic jam New Zealand bus
Brought by Europeans: yellow gorse, sheep More dairy cows than sheep in New Zealand now, but flocks still have right of way
(creating classic "New Zealand traffic jam")
Alpaca, another part of
New Zealand wool industry

Next: photos of Art and markets

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This page belongs to Marguerite Krause