Photos and

Our itinerary

We are there!



Flora and fauna

Art and markets

Christmas in summer

Outback scenery

More scenery

Cities we visited

Each of the cities we spent time in had its own character and charms. We loved the free tram that circled the center of the city in Melbourne; the harborside parks of Cairns; the bustling harbors of Sydney and Auckland; the beautiful setting of Queenstown. We never spent more than a few days in one place, so we got no more than a quick overview of these places, as viewed from a moving bus and chosen by a tour company as the best features to show to tourists. In every city, I know there would be a lot more to explore were we ever fortunate enough to make a return visit.

Melbourne Alice Springs School of the air
Part of Chinatown in Melbourne Alice Springs, in the middle of Australia The School of the Air, Alice Springs
Desert rain More rain! Cairns
Heavy rain in Alice Springs Streams flooded briefly, but the desert
soon soaked up every drop
Our hotel in Cairns, a tropical city
Sydney Opera House View from within Mrs. Macquarie's Chair
Inside the Sydney Opera House View from one lobby of Opera House
to another performance hall
Encountered traffic jam of tourists wanting to sit on famous chair; Marguerite content to sit nearby and watch
Sydney harbor Ships in harbor Bungee jumper
Note sizes of cruise ship (left, behind trees),
Opera House, Sydney Harbor bridge
Modern Sydney's busy harbor: racing yachts,
water taxies, tall ship, historic fort
Bungee jumper, harbor bridge, Auckland
Devonport, NZ Devonport hillside Franz Josef
Looking back at Mike on Devonport hill, across the harbor from Auckland Mike contemplates next part of climb
up Devonport hillside
Franz Josef, near the Southern Alps
Queenstown Novotel, Christchurch Empty canvas
Queenstown, from Skyline gondola Our hotel survived 2011 earthquake;
cathedral across the street did not
Christchurch has much rebuilding to do

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This page belongs to Marguerite Krause