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Moving to Bowling Green

August 7, 2011

Miriam Krause, Ph.D.

Miriam completed her doctorate in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis this summer. She successfully defended her dissertation on Friday, July 22. (She had to finish up a few more bits of paperwork after that, so I believe her official date of graduation in the university records will be August 31, 2011.)

Last winter, while she was still putting the finishing touches on her research, she was hired by Bowling Green State University in Ohio to join their faculty as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. This provided added incentive for her to complete her degree, because the fall semester at BGSU begins on August 22!

In May, Miriam and her dad went to Bowling Green and found an apartment for her. In late June, she found someone to rent her Minneapolis condo and put all her belongings in storage, to be delivered to her new address in Ohio on August 9. She and her cat, Russell, stayed with us for a month, while she finished her dissertation. In anticipation of everything going as scheduled (and it did!), Miriam and her friend Christi organized a BIG party to take place the day before she left town, on Sunday, August 7th - celebrating her birthday, her graduation, and her new job. Below are a few photos from Miripalooza!

Brains! Family More family
Theme of the party: "Brains!"
(carved watermelon and brain-shaped jello)
Miriam and some family members from Chicago More family who drove up from Chicago
Chicago Uncle Chatting Happy Birthday
Happy Chicago uncle Chatting with friends Lighting birthday candles
Bottom of cake Top of cake Christi
Stack of books cake,
chai-flavored, with titles
related to Miri's work...
...and favorite fun authors
(brain is a shaped
Rice Krispies treat!)
Host Christi serving cake

Next page: Onward to Ohio!

This page belongs to Marguerite Krause