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Trip Journal

Visiting Ireland:

April 28 through May 4, 2007

Toward the end of the trip, Martin volunteered to mark our maps with a yellow highlighter, to show all the roads we had taken and places we'd visited. These scans will give you at least a little idea of how much territory we covered in seven days. (County borders are yellow, too, which may be a bit confusing at first; in general, the first and last places mentioned in the caption will be at the two opposite corners of the map.)

Sunday morning Sunday afternoon
Sunday morning,
Dublin to New Grange
Sunday afternoon, south to Kilkenny
Monday morning Monday afternoon
Monday morning,
Kilkenny to Jerpoint to Cashel
Monday afternoon, Cashel to Cobh
Tuesday Wednesday
Tuesday, Killarney
and Dingle Peninsula
Wednesday, Beara Peninsula
(plus Monday evening's
Cork to Killarney road)
Thursday morning Thursday afternoon
Thursday morning,
Killarney to Adare
(just south of Limerick)
Thursday afternoon, Cliffs of Moher, the Burren, and to Galway
Friday, Connemarra,
Clifden, Kylemore Abbey

Travel journal

Map scans by Marguerite

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This page belongs to Marguerite Krause