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Photos and

Journal notes

The ship


Mendenhall hike


White Pass Railway


Glacier Bay

College Fjord

Train to Denali

McKinley Lodge

College Fjord

Friday, May 22

We spent Thursday night and a good part of Friday cruising from Glacier Bay along the Alaska coast to Prince William Sound, and finally reached College Fjord in the late afternoon. It's an interesting place, with more glaciers than in Glacier Bay, many of them in various stages of retreat but one of the bigger ones, Harvard Glacier, still advancing. In fact, there is so much calving going on that the amount of loose ice floating near the faces of the glaciers meant we couldn't safely get too close to them.

We did see quite a few sea otters as we cruised in and out of the fjord; one of our friends was sitting near a window with her binoculars and saw 30 before she stopped bothering to count, and a lot more after that!

Harvard Glacier Yale Glacier Another glacier
Yale Glacier; as it retreats, it has dropped piles of rock and dirt that now partially cut it off from the sea Harvard Glacier, thickly striped with dirt and rock, and lots of loose ice cluttering up the water Another glacier, looking very much like a frozen river
View of glacier Bergy bits
Mature trees growing close to the ice indicate a glacier that's been fairly stable for a while Blue sky, blue water, pine forests, snow-capped mountains

Next: photos of train ride to Denali National Park

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This page belongs to Marguerite Krause